
GovIntranet accessibility checker

In a bid to help clients make their intranets more accessible, I’ve created an admin report to show a pass or fail for AA and AAA colour contrast checkpoints across regular and large text sizes.


Public Sector accessibility regulations

If you haven’t taken steps to make your intranet accessible, you must take action before 23 September 2020.


System status and vanity intranet pages

One of my favourite metrics when measuring improvement on the intranet is the number of calls to the helpdesk. It’s a sure sign of success when you’ve done a few changes to an area of the intranet and the number of helpdesk calls goes down.

Conversely, you know that something is wrong when the number of helpdesk calls goes up.

CMS Redesign

Intranet redesign, Phase 4: visual design, HTML and CMS build

News delivery design

With several stakeholders interested in news delivery across the intranet, this was an important part of the redesign.