Analytics and evaluation How to

How to track documents as pages in Google Analytics


“But where are my downloads?” cried the website manager upon looking at her Google Analytics reports.

“They’re under Events,” replied the support guy.

“Oh,” said the confused manager.  “…What’s an event?”

Analytics and evaluation

Tracking offline comms channels in Google Analytics

Google AnalyticsWhen it comes to evaluating staff communication campaigns, we have to look at both online and offline channels. Using Google Analytics campaign tracking we can capture activity on the intranet as a result of clicks in emails and documents that are sent out to staff.

Analytics and evaluation

Google Analytics Realtime intranet statistics

It was so satisfying, when I first caught wind of Google Analytics realtime, to just go to my analytics account, switch on the live statistics, and watch. No extra code; it just worked. Google have come up trumps yet again with this recent addition which is so useful, and free.

Analytics and evaluation How to

How to setup Google Analytics on an intranet

This post highlights what you need to think about when setting up Google Analytics on an intranet.  Where detailed instructions are available elsewhere I have included links.