
Landing page optimisation: before and after

Companies invest time and money in campaigning, advertising and link-building with the aim of drawing visitors to websites. But if visitors arrive and then hit the back button, that’s an awful lot of waste.

Making Sense rewrite

I had 15 minutes to do a quick UX evaluation and optimsation of this campaign landing page. The goal of the site is to get pubilc responses to a green paper concerning punishment, rehabilitation and sentencing of offenders within the criminal justice system.

My initial thoughts were that the original was uninviting, text-heavy and confusing. The consultation is aimed at the general public as well as practitioners, yet anyone visiting from a link on another site faced a heavy load of text to wade through and many links to choose from. The options for responding were numerous, with various online and offline methods.

I proposed the following changes:

  1. Make the heading bolder and explain more clearly what the page is about
  2. Add a countdown ticker to highlight the time limit
  3. Add a positive graphic
  4. Reword text headings to be shorter
  5. Explain more clearly how to respond and simplify the choices
  6. Remove surplus information which is not required until later in the process
While the redesigned page is not a million times different from the original, I hope that it will be more inviting to first time visitors and explain more clearly how to respond.

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