We recently restructured some of our intranet sections and took the opportunity to do some plain English rewrites to the page content.

“How to” articles, generally practical in nature.
We recently restructured some of our intranet sections and took the opportunity to do some plain English rewrites to the page content.
A-Z index pages are very popular on our intranet. More popular than search. Our staff like to find what they want by looking it up in a list. If they don’t find it in the list they may resort to the search box. By looking at what phrases staff use when they perform a search from an A-Z index page, we can get a good idea of what’s missing from the A-Z listing.
At the start of October we introduced the next step in our strategy to improve engagement with news stories on the intranet. A month later we are seeing a 53% increase in traffic.
We have a “family” of intranets and we use Google Search Appliance for our search engine. The quality of search results varies widely across the different intranets.