It was so satisfying, when I first caught wind of Google Analytics realtime, to just go to my analytics account, switch on the live statistics, and watch. No extra code; it just worked. Google have come up trumps yet again with this recent addition which is so useful, and free.
It’s 5 o’clock on Friday afternoon, the day after our office Christmas party and I’m very much looking forward to going home. Just as I’m packing my things away I’m approached by one of the comms team…
Back in July we ditched using Google Feedburner in favour of GovDelivery to manage our website email alerts and group newsletters.
Terms like social intranet and intranet 2.0 used to make me think “Facebook at work” (or indeed Google+ these days.) And that could be cool. But I ask myself “how connected are the people who work in the very different parts of our organisation?”
Intranet documents are not Russian dolls
Embedding and interlinking documents within other documents on the intranet creates a doll-inside-a-doll effect making it difficult for people to find the information that they want.