Content How to

Create your own intranet stock photo library

I was browsing through the WordPress media library of the soon-to-be-launched ONS intranet and came across a large batch of freshly-uploaded images. At first glance, I thought that the publishing team had purchased some flashy stock images to use on the intranet. And then I thought, Hold on! That’s the room where I spent a day training a bunch of new intranet publishers. And that’s the entrance gate for visitors, and that’s the Costa Cafe, which is my first port of call when I arrive at ONS!

Content How to

Why you shouldn’t “click here”

I collect examples of “click here” and similar word as hyperlinks on web and intranet pages. You’ll find them in the Click here gallery.  “Go there”, “more info”, “can be found” or “this link” are all common words that people use when adding hyperlinks to web and intranet pages. There are many reasons not to do this.

CMS Content How to Redesign

Content Migration Guide

A move to a new CMS is an ideal opportunity to tidy the intranet, remove the clutter and possibly present things in a better way. You can choose to use your existing content as a basis for the new CMS, or wipe the slate clean and create new content. This guide covers moving content to a new CMS.

Analytics and evaluation How to

How to track documents as pages in Google Analytics


“But where are my downloads?” cried the website manager upon looking at her Google Analytics reports.

“They’re under Events,” replied the support guy.

“Oh,” said the confused manager.  “…What’s an event?”

Content How to

Guide to creating effective intranet news stories

Rule of thirdsNews articles generally have three text components. Headline, teaser and body copy. As with any other intranet content, they need to be edited and tweaked before publication.