Content Information architecture Redesign

Intranet redesign, Phase 2: information architecture and content audit

…p on,) I managed to do some jiggery-pokery and get a complete intranet file-listing. And a few deft keystrokes later, I was spreadsheet-a-go-go. Content audit My previous analysis already told me what was popular content on the intranet. The spreadsheet gave me the complete picture and what kind of state it was in, structurally. Using our Google Search Appliance, I also generated a listing of all content that Google thought was on the intranet (ha…

CMS Content Redesign

Intranet redesign, Phase 5: migration, content freeze, dual publishing

…collaborating on our progress, showing up to the minute changes and no document check-out and check-in. Meh! Content freeze We announced a moratorium on intranet updates with the exception of corporate news and features and urgent ministerial and board messages. Curious to note that having announced a content freeze, intranet content owners who had not done anything with their content for months and months suddenly wanted to update their pages. D…


Intranet publisher training course outline

…t of the tasks I’ve described above, such as resizing and cropping image thumbnails and maintaining document version control. Results I have run this course many times across different departments and it always gets good feedback. Although it’s a bit of a long slog, the exercises keep people awake. Publishers leave with greater awareness of both the “content” and the “user” sides of the intranet. Not everyone puts into practise what they have lear…


"One Intranet" project

…s to #SWCONF, the Social Workplace Conference to have a peek at what other companies are doing and to listen to some speakers from companies who are out there doing it. For me it promises to be a packed day with a broad range of topics that not only cover internal communications and social intranets but also look at social engagement outside of the organisation. I’ve already got questions and ideas around what the new intranet could be like. Indee…


Luke to join Helpful Technology

…reoffenders over the years, in no particular order: Jeremy, Jane, Derek, Graham, Cherry, Richard, Jen, Nettie, Fiona, Dianne, Sarah, Sally, Sundeep, Geoff, Chris, Harj, Steve, Rax, Marc, Sue, Adam, Nick, James, Matt, Ann, Vera, Trent, Dan, Aidan and Roger. Ok, and Bridget. And to all my chums in internal comms, the design team, the public enquiry line, the press office and those from the Directgov and information teams who I never really got to wo…