
Engagement and crowdsourcing

“Uservoice” screenshot
“Uservoice” screenshot
Engagement and innovation are the buzzwords at work at the moment. The message from the top is “go forth and engage.” Engage with the public. Engage with the staff. And come up with ideas. Help us save money. How can we be more efficient? Which laws can we repeal:?
Analytics and evaluation

Intranet satisfaction survey results

Yesterday I blogged about our intranet benchmarking results which compared the intranet against other intranets and gave us an expert evaluation.  Today I’m going to look at survey results from our staff intranet satisfaction survey (run by Customer Carewords) which we ran alongside the benchmarking tests.

Analytics and evaluation

Intranet benchmark results

Our core intranet team spent the last 2 years working on a project to overhaul and improve the intranet (in addition to publishing daily content and building other sites.)


End of purdah and election 2010

It feels like I’ve had my online mouth clamped for the past month or so due to “purdah”, the rule that prevents civil servants from expressing opinions which might influence election results.  So, to continue…


Intranet redesign or drip-feed improvements?

I’m noticing a lot of talk around whether to go for a major redesign or implement small improvements little by little.  I thought I’d give my view on the subject.