Analytics and evaluation

Tagging users for intranet analytics

In an attempt to get more out of our analytics data, I’m going to experiment with tagging users as they visit the intranet.

Analytics and evaluation How to Information architecture

How we increased feature news traffic by 53%

At the start of October we introduced the next step in our strategy to improve engagement with news stories on the intranet. A month later we are seeing a 53% increase in traffic.

Usability testing

Release the test tubes; time for more user experiments

As part of our efforts to save money across all parts of our organisation, we are combining many of our human resources, finance and procurement services into one central place.


Shelf-stackers in the intranet supermarket

The job of the shelf-stacker is to fill the intranet shelves with junk. It’s a fairly easy job. They don’t have to think too much. It’s not difficult to shove something on a shelf. They might stack it next to something similar, but it’s not so important to them where it goes. Some of the shelf-stackers don’t stack items with the labels facing the right way. As long as it’s on a shelf.

Information architecture Social

Evolution of an information architect

Last weekend I went to Bletchley Park, the home of the code-breakers and Top Secret government facility during WW2. The tour included a visit to the National Museum of Computing, which evoked some old memories. Since returning from the trip I’ve been reminiscing about the world of computers and information when I was a kid and what it’s like for me now.